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Re: background color doubleclick

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: Re: background color doubleclick
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 23:38:30 +0100

Hi Fred,

It is better to set the colours by using the system preferences
application. The key you are looking for is selectedTextBackgroundColor. But none of the default colours of GNUstep is blue, actually all of them are some sort of gray. Most likely you are already using a GNUstep theme
or have your colours changed in some other way.

If you insist on the defaults method of setting a colour here is the
command for you:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain selectedTextBackgroundColor "0.0 0.3 0.8"


defaults write NSGlobalDomain selectedTextBackgroundColor
"{ColorSpace=NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace, R=0.0, G=0.3 B=0.8}"

But you really should use system preferences instead.

I don't have System Preferences built and running on my machines (old GNUstep tree) and I am not even close to putting the current GNUsteo to production. Thanks for the defaults hint. I will give this a try! No, I haven't changed the colors yet. The monitor being used seems to make a big difference.



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