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From: James Jordan
Subject: Appwrappers
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 09:51:12 +0100
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

Been playing with Appwrappers for a few hours and got thinking about what can be done with them. The script that launches an executable and passes it the command line string makes it very versatile. I think I can use them to add Nautilus script style functions to GWorkspace. That got me thinking that it would great if there were a set of command line callable GNUstep dialog boxes kind of on the order of Zenity. Yes, I know I can use Zenity but I want the consistent look and feel of GNUstep. With that I could, for example, set up an Appwrapper called Droid-Vid containing a script that encodes a video using ffmpeg to be used on my Android phone. If called from the "open with" right-click in GWorkspace it might just pop up a dialog to tell me when it is finished, but if run directly it could put up a file open dialog to let me choose a video to encode and possibly another for where to save. I think I would prefer several very small programs, one for each type of Dialog but the Zenity approach of having one executable with a large number of command line options might be better.

Should start trying to hack apart NSPanelTest to see if I can make something work but am just starting to learn this stuff and have no idea how to make a program accept a command line switch.

I am sure one of you smart coders out there could do this in a hour. I am just starting on the coding side of things (hacked Ink apart so I could get it to open .plist and .sh files) and while I want to get proficient in that area, I would rather play with extending Appwrappers for a few days.

BTW, I started putting the .sh extension on my scripts inside the Appwrappers just so I could open them with my Ink hack.

So, if any of you smart Hackers out there want to throw me a bone in the form of a few command-line configurable dialog boxes it would be greatly appreciated.


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