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Re: Renaissance - how to use Grids?

From: Paul Chany
Subject: Re: Renaissance - how to use Grids?
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 20:18:57 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1 (gnu/linux)

Hi Nicola

Nicola Pero <nicola.pero@meta-innovation.com> writes:

> check the Renaissance documentation for how to use grids - you need
> Renaissance from subversion (trunk) to get the actual
> implementation, and in there there is also the documentation. :-)
> So, once you have the version from trunk, you can browse the
> documentation - start from
>  renaissance/Documentation/Pregenerated/index.html

Thanks! I find it.

> I had a quick look at your example, and creating the grid layout was
> the very easy bit :-) ... the part that I was a bit confused about
> is whether the 'Set byte value' were buttons or not, and whether the
> colored spaces were form fields (but then, wouldn't then submit/action
> button naturally follow the input field, instead of coming before it
> ?). 

The 'Set Byte Value', 'Query Byte Value', 'Set Bit N' are buttons.
The idea was that that when one click on a 'Set Bit 0' button then label
should on that button change to 'Reset Bit 0'.

After button 'Set Byte Value' button is a text field and yes, you are
right, it should be before and not after the button.  But I think about
that that it shouldn't be an editable text field and there should be
eight such a text fields in a row for eight bits (76543210) so an user
can with mouse click to control the values of these bits.

Right to buttons 'Set Bit N' or 'Reset Bit N' are labels to show the Bit
state: 0 or 1. 

> Anyway, here's an edited version showing how you can do the layout
> using the grid -- you can then adapt the buttons/input fields/controls
> to be and behave however you need/want them --
>             <grid>
>               <gridRow>
>                 <gridEmptyCell />

Thanks for the example how to use grid tag! :)

When I run this gsmarkup file with 
openapp GSMarkupBrowser.app LPT_Interface_NicolaPero.gsmarkup

then I get the following error:

2010-06-29 16:17:13.255 GSMarkupBrowser[2285] Warning: Unknown tag
<gridEmptyCell> - ignored 

So I think that that the Renaissance that I have installed is not enough
new to use <grid> tag?

I have installed GNUstep on my Debian GN U/Linux Squeeze with aptitude.
Should I purge this installation and install gnustep from SVN? :(

Paul Chany
You can freely correct my English.

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