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Re: Hungarian o and u double accute doesn't display correctly

From: Eric Wasylishen
Subject: Re: Hungarian o and u double accute doesn't display correctly
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 16:56:18 -0600

> However, when I run my application from xterm window, then I can see
> warnings:
> 2010-09-09 20:17:42.091 LPT_Interface[7583] The font specified for
> NSLabelFont, Helvetica, can't be found.
> But, on Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze system, the command 'aptitude search
> helvetica' gives no results.
> I was run the comand 'defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSFont DejaVuSans'
> but I can see that that this command does not affect the NSLabelFont
> variable. 

I'm not sure exactly what's wrong here, but try installing the ttf-dejavu 
Which backend are you using?


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