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Re: getting gnustep to work

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: getting gnustep to work
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 08:14:55 +0100

On 11 Sep 2010, at 07:41, Truls Becken wrote:

> Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
>> If you are installing in a 'native' layout (fhs is probably ok for most linux
>> systems) then things will be where the system expects to find them
>> anyway, and you should not nod to source GNUstep.sh
> You still need to set the GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable when compiling
> things. Otherwise you get the error from the original message.

Good point ... while this is only needed when *building* software from source, 
it's certainly relevant for this case.
I think all our example makefiles should contain the code to set this up 
Some of our makefiles (eg the core libraries) have had that for quite a while, 
and I added it (where missing) to the top-level makefiles in the dev-libs area 
in svn yesterday.
Something like this:

 GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES := $(shell gnustep-config --variable=GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES 
    $(warning )
    $(warning Unable to obtain GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES setting from gnustep-config!)
    $(warning Perhaps gnustep-make is not properly installed,)
    $(warning so gnustep-config is not in your PATH.)
    $(warning )
    $(warning Your PATH is currently $(PATH))
    $(warning )
  $(error You need to set GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES before compiling!)

> Also, when libraries are located from ld.so.cach, as they are on Linux
> when relying on the FHS layout, you need to run 'ldconfig' after
> installing anything library related, e.g. the frameworks that come
> with some applications.

Yes ... fortunately a fairly trivial addition to gnustep-make to have 'make 
install' do that.  We should probably add that soon.

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