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Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot

From: Banlu Kemiyatorn
Subject: Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2010 23:24:58 +0700

----- Original message -----
> I agree with Riccardo here (it does happen sometimes!).  The very first
> thing that we want to show people is what they can do with GNUstep.
> Later, we want to show them how they can do these things.  Screenshots
> of themed user apps show the what, shots of Gorm show the how.

Thanks, I am not disagreeing with the app shots, more like I think we dont have any killer shot to use. Such apps should show vareities of dev possibilies and if we have one I would agree that that would be better.

> Most importantly, if we show developer apps then it gives the impression
> that developer apps are all that we have - that GNUstep is used solely
> for developing tools for developing with GNUstep.  There are a lot of
> open source projects that are like this, and we don't want to be lumped
> into that category.

It should point out why developing is better like showing Gorm assembling a complex application. ie. not just Gorm alone but Gorm should be a part of it. I believe we can answer both needs with one picture.


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