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Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot

From: Banlu Kemiyatorn
Subject: Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2010 09:27:20 +0700

> Maybe this will surprise you but most people, which are non-
> programmers and have no insight into software's workings and how it 
> is developed *will* judge software by its look, because that is how 
> they experience the software. I know this from first hand experience 
> with our customers. Only if the software shows severe 
> disfunctionality people will complain about something else than the 
> look. This is one of the reasons why so many folks still stick to 
> Windows in their day to day using and don't complain to much. The 
> opposite is also true: software must be really outstanding in 
> functionality to make people forget how it looks.
> So I think screenshots are a 'must have'.
> cheers,
>     Lars

I'm not against screenshots though I think it doesn't help our customers coz I think our customers probably are programmers and if they aren't then they probably are someone that got confused of what GNUstep really is. This is nothing like asking what are some of you guys doing here but a demand to draw the line and make some efforts to built an information pool to collect application users' contributions like promoting GAP and Etoile from the front page links and convince app developers and users to actually join some camps.

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