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Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot

From: Gregory Casamento
Subject: Re: www.gnustep.org should change screenshot
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2010 21:58:29 -0500

Thank you for this comment, Lars.  I agree absolutely.   All
non-programmers will judge the software by how it looks.


On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
<lars.sonchocky-helldorf@hamburg.de> wrote:
> Am 05.12.2010 um 17:47 schrieb Banlu Kemiyatorn:
>> On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 11:42 PM, Gregory Casamento
>> <greg.casamento@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Perhaps we should also consider removing the screenshot from the front
>>> page entirely and add a "gallery" section for all kinds of
>>> screenshots.
>> I actually think screenshot is a boring idea. The about page should
>> describe functionalities with related screenshots already. like they
>> are for people who only care about the looks
> Maybe this will surprise you but most people, which are non-programmers and
> have no insight into software's workings and how it is developed *will*
> judge software by its look, because that is how they experience the
> software. I know this from first hand experience with our customers. Only if
> the software shows severe disfunctionality people will complain about
> something else than the look. This is one of the reasons why so many folks
> still stick to Windows in their day to day using and don't complain to much.
> The opposite is also true: software must be really outstanding in
> functionality to make people forget how it looks.
> So I think screenshots are a 'must have'.
> cheers,
>        Lars

Gregory Casamento - GNUstep Lead/Principal Consultant, OLC, Inc.
yahoo/skype: greg_casamento, aol: gjcasa
(240)274-9630 (Cell)

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