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Re: FOSDEM Arrangements

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: FOSDEM Arrangements
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 21:07:59 +0100
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Am 13.12.2010 00:42, schrieb David Chisnall:
> On 12 Dec 2010, at 22:05, Quentin Mathé wrote:
>> Le 12 déc. 2010 à 16:26, David Chisnall a écrit : I'm tempted by a
>> shorter beer event. We could have our own beer event possibly too.
>> I wouldn't mind to go to a quieter or less crowded place.
> Well, Delirium did have a good selection of beer...  The walk back 
> across freezing-cold Brussels at 6am wasn't so fun, but watching 
> Nicolas have a conversation with a singing finger puppet made up for 
> it.  I wouldn't mind somewhere a bit quieter though - I remember 
> shouting at Fred a lot and just getting shrugs and blank stares in 
> reply...  Maybe if we get there a bit earlier this year we can have
> a few beers there and then retire to somewhere closer to the hotel 
> before the trains stop running?

Isn't that just my normal behaviour? But it really was to crowded there
last year. I even gave up getting more beer. Going there early and then
moving on to a different place sounds nice to me. Although some of us
(me!) wont be able to do much hacking then :-)

>> Otherwise I'd be interested to hear talks about: - CoreBase and 
>> CoreGraphics/Opal in GNUstep
> I think Stef, Gregory, and Eric are the best people to talk about 
> this, and I'm not sure if any of them are going to be there (Gregory 
> and Eric aren't, not sure about Stef - Stef, I actually have no idea 
> which continent you're on...).

Yes, this are the most interesting things at the moment. It would be
great to hear and talk about these.

>> - GNUstep Progresses and Roadmap

I will shut my mouth about this subject this time. I made some false
promises last year and never had the time to follow up. Last Febuary I
had just changed jobs and hoped to have plenty of free time for GNUstep.
I should have known better.

>> - DBusKit
> I poked DBUSKit a bit and it definitely looks like a thing that's 
> worth advertising and some demos.  If Niels doesn't want to give a 
> long talk, maybe we could have a few 'system integration' lightning 
> talks and have other people talk about the UXTheme / GNOME Theme 
> stuff and anything else of relevance?

A talk about DBUSKit would be great. It is excellent software that
should be better known and maybe even I might understand the details
after a presentation by Niels.

That theme stuff is nice to show, but I don't know whether it needs a talk.


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