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Re: FOSDEM roundup

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: FOSDEM roundup
Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2011 12:23:51 +0000

On 7 Feb 2011, at 23:07, Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> at first I want to say "Thank You!" to all the speakers (in alphabetical 
> order: Gregory Casamento, David Chisnall, Niels Grewe, Quentin Mathé, Nicola 
> Pero, Sebastian Reitenbach, Nikolaus Schaller) in our devroom, to Tim Käck 
> for recording the sessions and buying some computer speakers for Greg's Skype 
> session and also to our audience who showed through their presence that 
> GNUstep and all the partner projects like Étoilé matter. I also want to say 
> "Thank you" to Gerold Rupprecht for sponsoring the drinks at the GNUstep 
> dinner. And at last but not least a great "Thank You!" to the FOSDEM people 
> which organised the whole conference. Without you this would not have been 
> possible.

There is, of course, one very important person omitted from this list: Lars 
himself.  Thank you once again for doing all of the cat-herding (hurding?) 
required to get all of this organised.

> The GNUstep devroom has been a success this year again. During the talks the 
> room was never empty, during some sessions a few people even had to stand in 
> the aisles. The talks were very interesting to the GNUstep developers but 
> next time we should not forget about the beginners. A question of David 
> asking for the knowledge regarding GNUstep and Objective-C during his main 
> track session on sunday showed that most of the audience has very little to 
> no experience in that field.

For anyone who couldn't make FOSDEM, I've put an annotated version of my slides 
online here:


Feel free to copy this onto the GNUstep web site somewhere.

> So I guess some tutorial like sessions would come handy next time. I can 
> imagine sessions like: "Creating cross plattform applications with GNUstep – 
> a primer", "Using Gorm to create a cross plattform GUI", "Objective-C tips 
> and tricks", "Objective-C for C++ programmers – the differences, the 
> similarities" or "Useful frameworks helping you to create your application – 
> an overview" or the like. Maybe that would be not to interesting for seasoned 
> GNUstep developers but we're doing the whole event not just for us.

I think that's a good idea.  We should probably regard the devroom as more of 
an advertising opportunity than as a place for communication between 
developers.  We reserved a timeslot for us to discuss how to go about adding 
UIKit support to GNUstep, but only about a quarter of the people in the room at 
the time were GNUstep developers, so we couldn't do much meaningful discussion.


-- Sent from my Cray X1

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