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Re: Property syntax and readability (was Re: Strange crash in __objc_res

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Property syntax and readability (was Re: Strange crash in __objc_resolve_class_links)
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 20:02:43 +0100

I mostly agree with Jason :-)

On 16. vel. 2011., at 16:52, Jason Felice wrote:
> Actually, just declaring properties seems bunk.  This is an implementation 
> detail which should be encapsulated, no?

I don't mind declaring properties, but I mind having to use @synthesize, 
despite understanding why it's necessary :-)

> The other thing is that declarations of interfaces, protocols, and 
> implementations in Objective-C very much look like statements rather than 
> beginnings-of-constructs and ends-of-constructs.  In C and C++, I can scan a 
> header file and go, "there's two classes in there, and they interact thusly". 
>  In Objective-C it just seems like an amorphous blob of @foo directives and 
> method declarations and I often miss that there's more than one object in a 
> header.  Is this just my brain?  Xcode's and Vim's syntax highlighting?

I found it a good practice to avoid putting multiple classes in a single file 
in C++, too. In ObjC, that's even easier, and I do it as rarely as possible.

> I mean, I've been thinking of writing _comments_ (*gasp*) in order to have 
> something break up the monotony so that you can pick out distinct objects 
> visually.

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark something?


// MARK: -
// MARK: something?

I use that all the time to organize myself in Xcode. :-)

Have fun,
Ivan Vučica
ivan@vucica.net - http://ivan.vucica.net/

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