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cygwin - base test results

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: cygwin - base test results
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 00:03:50 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.0; rv:5.0) Gecko/20110706 Firefox/5.0 SeaMonkey/2.2

to complete my report on cygwin, here is the output of running the base tests:

--- Running tests in base/Functions ---

Failed test:     NSPathUtilities.m:21 ... we can get a temporary directory
--- Running tests in base/GSMime ---
--- Running tests in base/GSXML ---
--- Running tests in base/GarbageCollection ---
--- Running tests in base/KVC ---
--- Running tests in base/NSAffineTransform ---
--- Running tests in base/NSArchiver ---
--- Running tests in base/NSArray ---
--- Running tests in base/NSAttributedString ---
--- Running tests in base/NSBundle ---

Failed test:         general.m:37 ... -classNamed returns the correct class
Failed test: general.m:49 ... -executablePath returns an executable path
 (gnustep bundle)
Failed test: general.m:61 ... -principalClass returns TestClass for +bundl
eForClass:[TestClass class]
--- Running tests in base/NSCalendar ---
--- Running tests in base/NSCalendarDate ---
--- Running tests in base/NSCharacterSet ---
--- Running tests in base/NSConnection ---
--- Running tests in base/NSCountedSet ---
--- Running tests in base/NSData ---
--- Running tests in base/NSDate ---
--- Running tests in base/NSDateFormatter ---
--- Running tests in base/NSDictionary ---
--- Running tests in base/NSException ---
--- Running tests in base/NSFileHandle ---

Failed test: general.m:72 ... NSFileHandle understands +fileHandleForWriting
Failed test: general.m:76 ... NSFileHandle understands +fileHandleForReading
Failed test: general.m:81 ... NSFileHandle -writeData:/-availableData match
--- Running tests in base/NSFileManager ---
--- Running tests in base/NSHTTPCookie ---
--- Running tests in base/NSHashTable ---

Failed file:     weak.m aborted without running all tests!
Failed test:     weak.m:17 ... Weak hash table contains no objects
--- Running tests in base/NSHost ---
--- Running tests in base/NSIndexPath ---
--- Running tests in base/NSInvocation ---
--- Running tests in base/NSJSONSerialization ---

Failed build:
--- Running tests in base/NSKeyedArchiver ---
--- Running tests in base/NSLocale ---
--- Running tests in base/NSLock ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMapTable ---

Failed test:     weak.m:19 ... Value removed from weak-value map
Failed test:     weak.m:23 ... Value removed from weak-key map
Failed test:     weak.m:24 ... Weak-value map reports correct count
Failed test:     weak.m:25 ... Weak-key map reports correct count
--- Running tests in base/NSMethodSignature ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableArray ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableAttributedString ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableCharacterSet ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableData ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableDictionary ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableIndexSet ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableSet ---
--- Running tests in base/NSMutableString ---
--- Running tests in base/NSNumber ---
--- Running tests in base/NSNumberFormatter ---
--- Running tests in base/NSObject ---
--- Running tests in base/NSOperation ---
--- Running tests in base/NSPointerArray ---
--- Running tests in base/NSPredicate ---
--- Running tests in base/NSProcessInfo ---
--- Running tests in base/NSProxy ---
--- Running tests in base/NSRunLoop ---
--- Running tests in base/NSScanner ---
--- Running tests in base/NSSet ---
--- Running tests in base/NSSortDescriptor ---
--- Running tests in base/NSStream ---

here the tests hang with 0% cpu usage, I waited for hours.

I attach the resulting test.log. It doesn't look so bad, doesn't it? However can it help understand why Ink hangs?


Attachment: tests.log.bz2
Description: Binary data

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