On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 19:00, David Chisnall
<theraven@sucs.org> wrote:
CGLayer is implemented, but it currently only does the very basic stuff. It currently uses a Cairo pattern to allow it to be composited. This works, but it's going to be fairly slow. UIKit (and modern AppKit) do a lot more. For example, even the very basic swoosh effect as you slide a layer off the screen is going to require compositing the texture a few dozen times. This can be very fast in OpenGL, but is likely to be slow with Cairo. CoreAnimation wants to move layers around in 3D space (well, rotate them in 3D, move them in 2D), while CoreImage wants to run shader programs on them. All of these things are trivial with OpenGL, but very hard in Cairo.
So, in theory it's possible, but in practice it will be hard.
Thanks for a quick response!
I suspected as much. I guess it'd be better to implement things correctly from the beginning.
Just to confirm: all GNUstep contributions require copyright assignment to FSF? If it's required, can someone direct me to the proper procedure for doing so? Can it be performed electronically, or do I have to mail/fax something in?