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Re: gnustep compiled with clang and gworkspace problem

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: gnustep compiled with clang and gworkspace problem
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 18:31:13 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de; rv: Gecko/20110907 SUSE/3.1.14 Thunderbird/3.1.14

On 03.10.2011 18:14, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
I installed base, gui and back from svn.

here the test results from gui, compiled with gcc 4.2.1 and the gcc libobjc:

773 Passed tests
   5 Failed tests

setting the breakpoint on -[NSException raise] did not stopped anywhere.

Testing setDelegate_reload.m...
Running gnustep-gui-0.21.0/Tests/gui/NSSavePanel/setDelegate_reload.m...
2011-10-03 17:43:29.137 setDelegate_reload[1098] XShm not supported, 
XShmAttach() failed.
2011-10-03 17:43:29.139 setDelegate_reload[1098] Falling back to normal XImage 
(will be slower).
Passed test:     browser initially contains all files
Passed test:     browser is reloaded after -setDelegate:
Failed test:     browser contains all files after resetting delegate
Passed test:     browser is reloaded after -setDelegate: (2)
Completed file:  setDelegate_reload.m

Testing NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m...
Running gnustep-gui-0.21.0/Tests/gui/NSView/NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m...
2011-10-03 17:44:53.763 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[6786] XShm not 
supported, XShmAttach() failed.
2011-10-03 17:44:53.765 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[6786] Falling back to 
normal XImage (will be slower).
Failed test:     NSView autoresizing works
Passed test:     NSView autoresizing corner cases work
Failed test:     NSView autoresize rounding works
(1) expected frame (10 10)+(10 10), got (10 10)+(9 10)
(1) expected frame (10 10)+(10 10), got (9 9)+(9 9)
Completed file:  NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m

Testing NSView_bounds_scale.m...
Running gnustep-gui-0.21.0/Tests/gui/NSView/NSView_bounds_scale.m...
2011-10-03 17:45:22.465 NSView_bounds_scale[17336] XShm not supported, 
XShmAttach() failed.
2011-10-03 17:45:22.467 NSView_bounds_scale[17336] Falling back to normal 
XImage (will be slower).
Failed test:     NSView -scaleUnitSquareToSize works
expected bounds rotation 30 got 30.9153
(2) expected bounds (39.9801 104.211)+(66.2393 85.2544), got (40.372 
105.364)+(66.8473 84.9812)
expected bounds matrix (2.93813 0.614059 -1.69633 1.06358 104.31 -131.062) got 
(2.96586 0.574951 -1.71234 1.07291 104.31 -131.062)
(2) expected bounds (39.9801 104.211)+(66.2393 85.2544), got (40.372 
105.364)+(66.8473 84.9812)
expected bounds rotation 30 got 30.9153
Completed file:  NSView_bounds_scale.m

Testing NSView_visibleRect.m...
Running gnustep-gui-0.21.0/Tests/gui/NSView/NSView_visibleRect.m...
Failed test:     NSView -visibleRect works
Completed file:  NSView_visibleRect.m

This looks a lot better then your previous reports. All but the autoresizing tests are expected to fail. For the autoresizing tests it would be interesting to learn which of the tests is failing, the problem here is that we only report after about 10 or so tests and a few of these use the same result values. This could be a rounding issue, but it is better to investigate it a bit.

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