since -base tests are fine now for me, I'm back to -gui: The following tests
are still failing for me on OpenBSD i386 5.0 -current:
Testing lazy_copy.m...
Running gui/NSPasteboard/lazy_copy.m...
which happens to fail randomly.
Testing setDelegate_reload.m...
Running gui/NSSavePanel/setDelegate_reload.m...
Failed test: browser initially contains all files
Failed test: browser is reloaded after -setDelegate:
Failed test: browser contains all files after resetting delegate
Failed test: browser is reloaded after -setDelegate: (2)
Completed file: setDelegate_reload.m
Testing NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m...
Running gui/NSView/NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m...
Failed test: NSView autoresizing works
Passed test: NSView autoresizing corner cases work
Failed test: NSView autoresize rounding works
(1) expected frame (10 10)+(10 10), got (10 10)+(9 10)
(1) expected frame (10 10)+(10 10), got (9 9)+(9 9)
Completed file: NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m
Testing NSView_bounds_scale.m...
Running gui/NSView/NSView_bounds_scale.m...
expected bounds rotation 30 got 30.9153
(2) expected bounds (39.9801 104.211)+(66.2393 85.2544), got (40.372
105.364)+(66.8473 84.9812)
expected bounds matrix (2.93813 0.614059 -1.69633 1.06358 104.31 -131.062) got
(2.96586 0.574951 -1.71234 1.07291 104.31 -131.062)
(2) expected bounds (39.9801 104.211)+(66.2393 85.2544), got (40.372
105.364)+(66.8473 84.9812)
expected bounds rotation 30 got 30.9153
Completed file: NSView_bounds_scale.m