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Visubility features on GNUstep

From: Ricardo Santos
Subject: Visubility features on GNUstep
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 11:38:13 -0200

Hello everyone!

  I am a noob in GNUstep and I am trying to compile my first objective-c file.

  This is going to be a quite long email, since I will try to describe in as many details as I can the installation process I did.

  I am using a Windows environment, so I downloaded GNUstep MSYS System version 0.29.0 and installed, with default path, in my computer. After that, I installed GNUstep Core version 0.29.0, with default configurations as well. Just to be on the safe side, I installed, then, GNUstep Devel version 1.4.0, with default configurations too.

  Then I went to the Start menu and launched the Shell software. After that, I decided it was better to test the install, I wrote the following code:

#include <stdio.h>

//Now, testing the Objective-c libraries.
#include <objc/objc.h>

int main (void)

prinf("All right and ready to go!");


  And I got an error saying "objc/objc.h: No such file or directory". I tried with "#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>" as well and I got the same error, just with instead "objc/objc.h" it was written "Foundation/Foundation.h".

  Then, I tried to find the header files inside GNUstep and could not find it. After some exploration, I found that my / folder is under C:\GNUstep\msys\1.0\ and the headers are under C:\GNUstep\GNUstep\System\Library\Headers\objc, so I have no visibility to objc.h, Foundation.h or any other header, so I can't use any arguments to show gcc where to look for the files.

  Do anyone know what can I do to solve my problem? I am sorry to have made such an enourmous email, but I am trying to compile my code for quite a while now and looking around for the solution of my problem without result, and been getting increasingly frustrated.

Looking forward to hear from anyone.

Ricardo Santos

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