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Re: [FOSDEM 2012] Preliminary GNUstep Devroom Schedule

From: Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
Subject: Re: [FOSDEM 2012] Preliminary GNUstep Devroom Schedule
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 07:14:08 +0100

Hi Lars,

>> I think you forgot mine:
> No, I did not forget yours. I was under the impression it won't be done in 
> time.

Ah, that was after you asked me to fill several hours....
But this was not meant to do nothing!

>> xx:xx - xx:xx        Nikolaus Schaller       QuantumSTEP: new frameworks and 
>> future directions
> I still need some sort of abstract and duration before I can schedule this. 
> Please send those to me.

Here, I was under the impression that I already did, but I could not find it...
You will get it in time.


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