On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 14:29, Citizen Jimserac
<jimserac@gmail.com> wrote:
MANY thanks! So.... clang instead of gcc?? Well this IS a
surprise, for years I've relied on gcc whenever compiling something on
linux (or ming gcc on windows).
clang is a nicer compiler for Objective-C.
Yes, I see when compiling that "make" does nothing when a GNUMakefile
is present...
for example,
GNUmakefile:25: /common.make: No such file or directory
GNUmakefile:35: /aggregate.make: No such file or directory when trying
to compile gnustep-gui examples.
I'm not sure what might be causing this, but it sounds like GNUstep.sh was not properly sourced using:
. /path/to/GNUstep.sh
Could you describe in more detail your post install things such as...
"Post-compile, I also added
~/llvm/Release+Asserts/bin into PATH, and I sourced GNUstep.sh to make
compiling easier. "
In .bash_profile, I added approximately the following lines:
. /path/to/GNUstep.sh