I have a debian 6.0.4 ("squeeze") system.
I installed the gnustep packages---24 of them,
according to
dpkg --get-selections | grep -i gnustep | wc
The Window Maker program on debian is
version 0.92, but i was advised to run with
So i compiled it, and installed it to a path
within my home directory
and am using it by setting my /home/USER/.xsession
file to invoke it. (Here and throughout i'm
using "USER" instead of my actual login name.)
I also want to upgrade the rest of my
environment to the latest stable gnustep,
but naturally without affecting any system-wide
files. (That is, i want to leave the debian stuff
strictly alone.)
So i installed all the prerequisites for building
gnustep, and then built gnustep-startup-0.28
via the command
./InstallGNUstep --prefix=/home/USER/install.d/gs
This worked, and following directions i put
. /home/USER/install.d/gs/System/Library/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
in my ~/.bashrc file.
Next i tried to build gworkspace.
Here i ran into some problems.
My configure command was
./configure --prefix=/home/USER/install.d/gw
(Note that this was to be a different path
than from the gnustep, because i might want
to try out several different versions of
gworkspace, for example.)
Anyhow it seemed to build ok (the make phase),
but there were warnings, and at install time
(make install) it completely ignored the
--prefix option and instead installed where
i guess it wanted to more, in
The warnings i got at the build stage were
mostly like this:
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libgnustep-base.so.1.20, needed by
may conflict with libgnustep-base.so.1.24
And indeed when i use the gopen command (which, according to
the type command, really is the new gopen not the debian gopen)
and try to open the gworkspace application, it crashes.
I imagine any other app will give me the same problem, so i'd
like to try to nail down the right way to install my own
local version(s) of gworkspace in a way that does not drag
in any system gnustep files.
I'd be grateful for any suggestions, about the whole process,
or any piece of it (e.g., is there an error log someplace that
i can consult for what is ailing the new gworkspace? is there
some way to hide the existing debian gnustep files? etc etc)