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Re: Blurred GUI elements

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: Blurred GUI elements
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 17:52:16 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; NetBSD i386; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120510 Thunderbird/12.0


On 05/27/12 22:00, Fred Kiefer wrote:
I tried to understand this issue and now think that the NSView extension methods in Frameworks/Cynthiune/NSViewExtensions.m are causing this problem. There the -centerViewHorizontally method exactly centres the view, which may place the view between pixels. A call to -centerScanRect (on the super view!) should resolve the issue.

well, in this point the code actually makes a horizontal centering so it is not a specific issue in this case, but I added the centering, since it could cause issues elsewhere.

A similar problem arises in the method [PreferencesController-setBundleView:], here both directions may getplaced incorrectly and of course, there may be plenty of other hidden places where this goes wrong in Cynthiune code.

yes, that brought me on the right track, thank you. i fixed it now and it looks fine.


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