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Re: Xpdf and linking problems

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: Xpdf and linking problems
Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2012 12:58:07 +0200
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Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

On Saturday, June 2, 2012 00:13 CEST, Riccardo 
Mottola<riccardo.mottola@libero.it>  wrote:


I fixed several details in the PDFKit/xpdf build system (currently
available in GAP and used for example by GWorkspace by its inspector).

It contained several hacks which made it compile on linux+gcc, but not
well on other systems or compilers.
I fixed some places which forced the "C" compiler to be g++ (I suppose
for linking purposes) which prevented building with clang and cleaned up
some of the cflags and ldflags.

I still can build fine and use it on linux/x86 and on freebsd8/gcc. With
freeBSD9 it builds (but displays white pages). On NetBSD and OpenBSD
however it builds, but it fails to be used by the gworkspace configure
script. I think that either some option is not working or that
gnustep-make has problems when linking objective-c and C++ file?
I suppose that when OBJC, CC files are mixed, our make system will do
the right thing...

The symbols appear to be C++ symbols, or not?
shortly after sending my mail, I've seen this in the GNUmakefile.in of

# Use C++ to link library (this won't work if g++ is not the obj-c compiler!)

Don't know what the problem is, what the comment describes, and
why the following line is commented out...

I commented it out because I think it is "dirty". Linking should be handled by the linker and in case the correct options passed (on linux it is simple, -lstdc++ but on NetBSD it doesn't work).

If it is set, objective-c files will be compiled with g++, which is ugly and won't work if your gcc doesn't have obj-c support and you use clang for that.

I hope the makefile experts give us a clue :)



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