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Re: [ERROR] Unable to get socket name. Why?

From: Jamie Ramone
Subject: Re: [ERROR] Unable to get socket name. Why?
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 17:57:14 -0300

I have a question, why are you using that method
(connectionWithReceivePort: sendPort:) to build the connection and why
are you using the same port object? The correct way (at least
according to what I've read from Apple documentation...and example
code in gnu-base) is to use the method +connectionWithName:. That one
takes care of creating the port objects and hooking up the
NSConnection object to the current thread's runloop. Then, you assign
the object to it with -setRootObject:. Finally, you start up the
default runloop exactly as you do in that example. The point is,
unless you REALLY, REALLY, REALLY have to, you can safely ignore the
lower level details like as the port objects and such. hope that helps

On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 10:39 PM, Ma Xiaoming
<maxiaoming10000@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Riccardo,
> Many thanks for your help.
> Best regards,
> Xiaoming
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Besos, abrazos, confeti y aplausos.
Jamie Ramone
"El Vikingo"

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