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Re: problem adding a new window to an application

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: problem adding a new window to an application
Date: Sat, 01 Sep 2012 19:57:13 +0200
User-agent: SOGoMail 1.3.17

 Hi Wolfgang,

On Saturday, September 1, 2012 18:40 CEST, Wolfgang Lux 
<wolfgang.lux@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi Sebastian,
> > I attached the MPDCon tarball. I hope someone can tell me what I did wrong.
> > I guess its only something very simple. I tried lots of different ways to 
> > create the Inspector, and also compared with the other interface classes
> > there, but I just don't see what's wrong.
> there are two errors in LyricsInspector.gorm. First of all you should change 
> the owner class into LyricsInspector instead of creating a separate 
> LyricsInspector object (this is the reason why -init is called twice; once 
> for the shared inspector you create programmatically and once for the 
> inspector loaded from the gorm file). The other error is that you must 
> connect the window attribute of the LyricsInspector (i.e., now the owner 
> object) to the inspector panel.

I've done both, and it works just like a charm!

many thanks. Without that help, I'd probably wasted another couple of hours 
trying to find that out.


> Wolfgang

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