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Re: Using the latest ubuntu how do I load the environment variables?

From: Luis Garcia Alanis
Subject: Re: Using the latest ubuntu how do I load the environment variables?
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 12:00:45 -0800

I installed Windows Maker :)

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 4:24 AM, Andreas Schik <andreas.schik@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hello Luis,

Am 18.02.2013 12:40, schrieb Luis Garcia Alanis:
> Hello,
> Quick questions for the ones using ubuntu.
> I have . /user/local/................/GNUstep.sh on my .profile and
> /etc/profile
> I try to launch gnustep apps and it does not work.
> If I open a terminal and run the script then I can launch the apps. For
> some reason .profile is not being loaded when logging into X.
> Any ideas on how to fix this? or where do I need to put the script to
> have X actually run it at login? or perhaps at boot.

this depends a bit on the desktop environment you are using. I am using
xfce and have load the GNUstep env via $HOME/.config/xfce4/xinitrc. I
use this script also to start services such as gdnc and gpbs. so,
somewhere before the actual window manager is started I have the following:

. /usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/GNUstep.sh
/usr/bin/gdnc &
/usr/bin/gpbs &



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