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Re: GWorkspace hangs on first exit attempt. Remote objects problem?

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: Re: GWorkspace hangs on first exit attempt. Remote objects problem?
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2013 08:04:57 +0100
User-agent: SOGoMail 2.0.4b

On Thursday, March 7, 2013 10:48 CET, Riccardo Mottola 
<riccardo.mottola@libero.it> wrote: 
> Hi,
> some of you may have noticed that GWorkspace sometimes do not exit at 
> the first attempt, but at the second. It does not happen on all 
> computers, but on those where it does, it happens consistently. I and 
> Sebastian did a "NSLog debugging", my previous attempts with gdb where 
> unsuccessful.
> in GWorkspace, in applicationShouldTerminate, we have this code:
>    if (fswatcher) {
>      NSConnection *conn = [(NSDistantObject *)fswatcher connectionForProxy];
>      if ([conn isValid]) {
>        [nc removeObserver: self
>                        name: NSConnectionDidDieNotification
>                      object: conn];
>        [fswatcher unregisterClient: (id <FSWClientProtocol>)self];
>        DESTROY (fswatcher);
>      }
>    }
> the problematic line is:
> [fswatcher unregisterClient: (id <FSWClientProtocol>)self];
> When this GWS hangs, it hangs because this line does not return. 
> fswatcher is the daemon object.
> fswatcher will exit with exit() when the last client unregisters and in 
> this case it is happening, we checked the code-path and also "ps" shows 
> that it indeed exists. Why does it hang? And why does it hang on certain 
> machines only?

For me, where it hangs, which is everywhere, I have libobjc2. 
I don't have a setup around with gcc libobjc, or old gnustep libobjc.
What runtimes are you using where it works/doesn't work?


> I fear there could be a base problem, when invoking remote objects?
> Riccardo
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