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WebServer using https

From: Martin Waschbüsch IT-Dienstleistungen
Subject: WebServer using https
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 12:24:08 +0200

Hi everyone,

I hope I subscribed to the right list for this sort of question. If not, please 
point me to the correct one.

Anyway, for a project I am working on, I am planning to provide a RESTful web 
service. Since said service is targeted at IOS devices, I thought it would make 
sense to develop the API using Objective-C, too.
So, I set up GNUstep on a box running Debian Wheezy and compiled the WebServer 
library / package.

The testWebServer application worked fine and after looking at the code in 
testWebServer.m, I attempted to switch from http to https by changing:

[server setPort: [defs stringForKey: @"Port"] secure: nil];


[server setPort: @"443" secure: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
              @"/tmp/server.pem", @"CertificateFile",
              @"/tmp/server.key", @"KeyFile",
              @"somepassword", @"Password",nil]];

From what I saw in the documentation and sources, that is how I understood the 
syntax and compilation showed no errors.
However, the application always responds with a line like this:

2013-05-22 12:13:13.516 testWebServer[15071] Failed to listen on port 443

The weird thing is that, it does not even matter if I give a filename or not, 
so the problem must occur before the NSFileHandle is created on that file.
There is no other service listening on said port, and although I run the test 
as root, I also tried a higher port (>1024) - just in case. 
I double-checked that binary is linked against libgnutls, libgcrypt, etc. which 
it is and am at a loss now as to what I may be missing?

Thanks for any and all pointers,


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