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Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-04-10

From: Liam Proven
Subject: Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-04-10
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 16:38:51 +0100

On 29 May 2013 02:49, Mark Aufflick <mark@htb.io> wrote:
> Hi Philippe,
> This is great - I have GNUmail up and running super easy with your packages.
> I notice there are -dev packages and I'm hoping these can help me avoid the
> tricky compile process (although I can't avoid it forever since I may well
> wan to hack Foundation etc). I notice there are no clang or libobjc2 etc.
> packages so are you depending on those packages from Ubuntu/Debian? Can I
> install the Ubuntu 12.04 clang package and expect it to work?

Pardon me but I seem to be missing a message that this is a reply to...?

Was there a root message on another list or something? If there is a
repository of Debian/*buntu packages out there, I would really like to

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
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