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Re: Copying native library into app bundle and linking from there

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Copying native library into app bundle and linking from there
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2013 14:24:19 +0200

I think I worked with @rpath a few years ago when my company was preparing to 
port a game to Linux. I think it was even in LGP's suggestions I kindly 

Man dlopen()? I'm on a phone (still traveling back from Cambridge) so I cannot 


Ivan Vučica
via phone

On 4. 7. 2013., at 14:18, Luboš Doležel <lubos@dolezel.info> wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Jul 2013 14:13:51 +0200, Ivan Vučica wrote:
>> I think no -- there is probably no built in support as ATM almost all
>> GNUstep apps are shipped as source code.
>> Use @rpath on non-OS X and use @executable_path on OS X as part of
>> the path to the library (in Xcode that's the INSTALL_PATH).
>> Please google around for further reference; this is somewhat complex
>> to get right, but is not all THAT difficult.
>> Even with OS X where this is a common scenario you have to think
>> carefully about what you are doing -- the defaults for producing
>> frameworks are not optimized for your scenario, but for producing
>> frameworks to be placed in /Library/Frameworks (and even then...)
>> If I'm wrong, someone can correct me
>> Regards,
>> Ivan Vučica
> I think @rpath is also specific to OS X. In ELF files, I believe you don't 
> specify full paths to libraries (just "libobjc.so.4" for example), so you 
> can't even put "@rpath" into a library reference.
> That being said, ELF does have RPATH/RUNPATH attributes which simply 
> influence the search paths. RPATH takes precedence over defaults (globals), 
> RUNPATH is checked after defaults.
> -- 
> Luboš Doležel
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