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Request for testers : wheezy packages built with clang and libobjc2

From: Philippe Roussel
Subject: Request for testers : wheezy packages built with clang and libobjc2
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2013 16:08:37 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hi all,

I just pushed out packages for debian wheezy 64 bits built with clang
and libobjc2 and I'd love to have some feedback.

Those packages replace the previous wheezy 64 bits gcc packages but
I'm not sure an apt-get upgrade will do the trick, you will probably
have to remove all gnustep packages you installed.

libobjc2 is packaged under the name libobjcgs to avoid conflicts with
other libobjc packages (libobjc2, libobjc3, libobjc4...).

I probably won't build packages with both gcc and clang. If this test
goes well and if I can build the same packages for other dist/arch
combos I'll probably continue only with clang. If you would like the
gcc packages to still exist, please tell me why !

deb http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/wheezy/amd64/ ./

I'll be without internet access for a week starting tomorrow morning
but I'll try to answer any message when I'll get back.

There are two major products that come from Berkeley : LSD and UNIX. We don't 
believe this to be a coincidence. Jeremy S. Anderson

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