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Re: Bundles inside Application resources

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: Bundles inside Application resources
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 02:00:14 +0200
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On 10/04/13 15:18, Wolfgang Lux wrote:
Wolfgang Lux wrote:

Putting application bundles directly into the application directory did work 
for me.
But then I also notice that I'm effectively using this code to load the bundle:
   NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"GNUstepPatches" 
   NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:path];
So this may or may not be relevant to you.
Sorry, it took me several days, I was very busy.
I'm trying to change Talskoup to load its stuff from "Resources" instead of, as said, installed Application Support. That would ease the installation process (= the currentmake has problems for packages) and those bundles wouldn't be used by any applications anyway. Except netclasses.

I did:

grid$ ls TalkSoup.app/Resources/
Defaults.plist            Input                     TalkSoup.tiff
GNUstepOutput.bundle      TalkSoup.desktop
Info-gnustep.plist        TalkSoup.icns

and get the failure:
2013-10-17 01:58:35.501 TalkSoup[3360] Could not load 'GNUstepOutput' from '()'

The relevant code looks like in TalkSoup.m line 95:

    bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath: dir];
    if (!bundle)
        NSLog(@"Could not load '%@' from '%@'", name, dir);
        return nil;

You have a slighlty different code, you use the main bundle, it appears. But if you look at the class, it has several checks, perhaps it can be extended.

I sought a "general" way, where the bundle could be loaded form one or the other place!


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