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Re: GNUstep Objective-C based CalDAV server

From: Doc O'Leary
Subject: Re: GNUstep Objective-C based CalDAV server
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 11:13:57 -0500
User-agent: MT-NewsWatcher/3.5.2 (Intel Mac OS X)

In article <mailman.4788.1382879551.10748.discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>,
 Ivan Vuãica <ivan@vucica.net> wrote:

> On 26.10.2013. 18:26, Doc O'Leary wrote:
> > I not sure of anything.  :-)  Using calendars for database input, 
> > though, seems quite convoluted.
> ...wait, it sounds more convoluted than reading RSS through calendar?
> :-) :-)

Heh.  Yes, actually.  Keep in mind that I use my gateway to specifically 
work around the fact that (prior to iOS 7) there was no good way for 
apps to fetch things like RSS feeds.  Even so, items in feeds 
essentially *are* a type of published event; it makes perfect sense to 
translate them to the iCalendar format.  Whether or not it makes sense 
to go the reverse, though, depends greatly on what the underlying 
information is.

> The database sounds like it specifically stores calendars et al, and it
> sounds like Andreas' goal is to provide another way to access it.

Maybe.  Not enough details were given to know for sure what the intent 
is.  I'm just saying that it is premature to seek an overcomplicated 
solution.  Andreas needs to give more information if simple iCalendar 
publishing isn't up to the task. 

> > It's not 
> > particularly complicated, but it is non-standard enough that it'll 
> > likely require more work than just using a common RESTful API using XML 
> > or JSON.
> Oh, certainly. That's the "interesting" part of this particular idea,
> isn't it?

Not all interesting ideas are good ideas!  :-)  I mean, it would be an 
"interesting" challenge to proxy Twitter or Facebook (hell, even 
Usenet!) through calendars, but it doesn't make very much sense in the 
general case.  Even my RSS-to-iCalendar gateway won't make much sense in 
an environment that supports a good native feed reader.

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