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Re: NSBrowser resizing weirdly

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: NSBrowser resizing weirdly
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 18:08:56 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.1.0

On 23.11.2013 16:29, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an NSBrowser in a NSWindow in Gorm, and set its autosizing, so that it 
> should resize properly when the window is resized. However, when I first 
> resize the window in the application, then the bottom of the NSBrowser jumps 
> over the buttons below it, and produces the GAP on top of the NSBrowser. 
> Later resizes are fine, and the NSBrowser expands/shrinks following the 
> window, but staying on top of the buttons, and keeping the gap on top.
> See attached screenshot, left is the Browser in action in the application, 
> right side shows how its setup in Gorm. 
> I use latest releases of gnustep libraries.
> Is there anything I should have a look at? Maybe I'm missing something.
> Sebastian

Could you please provide the Gorm file for this application? The
interesting question is whether the buttons live in a separate view and
how that view has been set up for autoresizing. You could also try to
save the Gorm file as a NIB and test the behaviour on a Mac.

For me currently Gorm isn't working. It isn't possible to drag anything
into a window. I need to resolve this issue before being able to try to
build a similar situation in Gorm.


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