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Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-09-27

From: Philippe Roussel
Subject: Re: Ubuntu and Debian packages / 2013-09-27
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 13:13:52 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 11:50:42AM +0100, Eric Brunel wrote:
> Hello all,
> Sorry to resurrect an old thread. I just tried to install some of
> the packages below on Quantal (XUbuntu flavour), and it seems it
> won't work. First, adding the given repository line to
> /etc/apt/sources.list ends up in an error (Malformed line in source
> list / The list of sources could not be read). So I had to change
> the line to:
> deb http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/quantal/i386 . .
> (It looks like Quantal needs 4 components on the line). But it still
> doesn't work: when I do an apt-get update, I get:
> W: Failed to fetch 
> http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/quantal/i386/dists/././source/Sources
> 404  Not Found
> W: Failed to fetch 
> http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/quantal/i386/dists/././binary-i386/Packages
> 404  Not Found

I just did the following on quantal i386 :

wget -qO - http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/GPG-PUBLIC-KEY | sudo apt-key 
add -

Than added 

deb http://coyote.octets.fr/pub/gnustep/packages/quantal/i386/ ./

to /etc/apt/sources.list

and apt-get update worked.

The big problem remaining is that my packages don't replace ubuntu's
so you can have a mismatch on your machine.

L'espoir, c'est la tension artérielle du fonctionnaire... Michael Petit

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