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Re: theme work in progress

From: Riccardo Canalicchio
Subject: Re: theme work in progress
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 12:43:45 +0100

hi James,
the screenshot is an ubuntu desktop.
actually, the window decorations are made by the theme itself

On 4 January 2014 21:50, James Carthew <jcarthew@gmail.com> wrote:
This looks really really good, is that a Linux screenshot or an OSX screenshot? If it's Linux, what window manager are you running?

On 30 December 2013 01:18, Gregory Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com> wrote:

I just took a look at this and it's a great start.  Please keep up the good work.  I'm excited to see the end result. :)


On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 9:09 AM, Riccardo Canalicchio <riccardo.canalicchio@gmail.com> wrote:

My intent is to make the window draggable by the titlebar and the transparent part of the toolbar, i don't want only a bigger drawing but the behavior of a big titlebar.

Il 23/dic/2013 13:47 "Fred Kiefer" <fredkiefer@gmx.de> ha scritto:

On 23.12.2013 10:57, Riccardo Canalicchio wrote:
> Fred, about a patch...
> I'm working on the NSToolbar, my intent is to integrate the toolbar into
> the window titlebar like this:
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3470013/theme/toolbar.png
> The best would be to draw the titlebar with the height increased by the
> [toolbarview _heightFromLayout],
> currently GSTheme expose only one method: titlebarHeight, and seems like
> the toolbar uses this method to find its position
> I have made some hacks to make it works but I would like to find a generic
> solution that could work even if the theme would like a separate nstoolbar..
> If this make sense to you, I'm open to suggestions on how could be the
> right way to do

Couldn't you get this effect by just not drawing the separator between
the window decoration and the toolbar when this is present? As far as I
see this is currently not possible, but should be an easy enough change.

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Gregory Casamento
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