I've checked in improved support for Debian packaging into gnustep-make. Previously only production of binary packages was possible; now, 'make deb' will produce actual source packages.
Also, <package>.spec files are parsed in a very elementary way and used as additional input for Debian control files, reducing need for duplication of data.
Example script is below (presuming GNUstep's 'modules' is checked out into gnustep-pure/ directory). 'if true' is there solely so I can more easily disable building of a particular package. Note that packages do need to be installed as part of the build process, as each package that follows depends on the previous one being actually installed.
Aside from the script below, I have also played a bit with the ability to install GNUstep into /GNUstep with a non-fhs layout. The script is a total mess, so I'm not including a description of how to do it at this point.
Small patches were done to other core libraries; their GNUmakefiles are now including Master/deb.make, and their specfiles now include a tiny bit more consistent (and larger) amount of data.
Some known issues exist: The packages are not lintian-clean. gnustep-make is correctly defined in its control file as 'it builds on any platform'; apparently when building a package on Canonical's Launchpad that means 'it builds on i386'. Since other packages have locally been (incorrectly) defined as building on x86_64, that means no other package has been built.
I'd appreciate it if people checked if I broke their workflow or anything else; this did consist of messing around with the core of the build system, so who knows what I broke. (Without a code review procedure or a DVCS, it's hard to request code review apart from submitting .patches to the mailing list. And that doesn't feel too fun.)
export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=16"
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
if true ; then
(cd gnustep-pure/core/make
make deb debsign=yes
sudo dpkg -i debian_dist/*.deb)
if true ; then
(cd gnustep-pure/core/base
make deb debsign=yes
sudo dpkg -i obj/debian_dist/*.deb)
if true ; then
(cd gnustep-pure/core/gui
make deb debsign=yes
sudo dpkg -i obj/debian_dist/*.deb)
if true ; then
(cd gnustep-pure/core/back
make deb debsign=yes
sudo dpkg -i obj/debian_dist/*.deb)