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Re: GNUstep 64Bit on CentOS or Solaris

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: GNUstep 64Bit on CentOS or Solaris
Date: Fri, 23 May 2014 16:00:20 +0100

On 23 May 2014, at 15:03, Andreas Höschler <ahoesch@smartsoft.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a new project on the table for which I need to get rid of the 4GB 
> limitation of 32Bit processes. I therefore need a 64Bit GNUstep development 
> environment (make, base, gui, back) so that I can build a GNUstep tool that 
> is capable of handling more than 4GB in memory.
> • OS (CentOS or Solaris 10)
> • gcc
> • GNUstep 64Bit build
> My GNUstep tree (have been using that successfully for years now) is rather 
> ancient but works fine. I have a Solaris 10 box and a machine with 
> CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin I could use for the project (both equipped with 64GM 
> RAM). 
> What's the quickest way to get GNUstep (either my ancient tree or current 
> sources) to build in 64Bit mode on either of these machines? Hints and help 
> (may be even a cook receipt)  are greatly appreciated!!
> Thanks a lot in advance!!!

IIKRC Solaris is a complete pain because you need to bootstrap a working 64bit 
compiler and then figure out the special flags the compiler needs.

CentOS on the other hand is really easy and should just work.  But I think the 
rather ancient version (5.4) comes with a crappy old version of gnutls (and 
openssl with security holes, though probably there are update available for 
that), so you would probably want to build/install the current release of 
gnutls from source.

I'm currently developing on CentOS-6.5-x86_64 and that's worked well (though I 
do server stuff without gui code).

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