Hey Fred,
Now that I have my passport (FINALLY!). I will be making trips to Europe hopefully once or twice a year. Italy and Germany will be on that list for certain. :)
Also, yes the link you gave is correct. I thought there was a link to the summit from the main site, but I was wrong. I will be giving one of the workshops. I'm excited to meet Aral and especially excited to meet Richard Stallman in person even though I have exchanged emails with him many times over the years.
I'm really looking forward to the trip, though I must admit to a few butterflies because I've never been "across the pond."
I also apologize about the short notice. The red tape involved with getting the passport was just silly and I didn't want to say I was coming until I knew for certain that I would be there. Otherwise it could have caused people to go out of their way when they didn't have to and I wouldn't want that.
Later, GC