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One problem for gcc compile object-c on windows 7

From: lbwlh
Subject: One problem for gcc compile object-c on windows 7
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 13:56:07 +0800 (CST)

Hi all,

I am a newbie for object-c, I am study object-c on windows 7, as I found 
http://www.gnustep.org/experience/Windows.html is very useful for me, so I 
setup the environment as it said: install MinGW and GNUstep Core, then I can 
use gcc to compile the first object-c program which do not include any 
foundation header files, like <Foundation/NSObject.h>.

But the problem is that I can not write any code actually, as gcc can not find 
all of foundation header files.
If my code include <Foundation/NSObject.h>, gcc will pop out error like: 
  fatal error, Foundation/Foundation.h: No such file or directory
  compilation terminated.

Does any body can help me for this problem? Thank you very much.

BTW, I have installed Cygwin before install MinGW and GNUstep Core, does it 
conflict with MinGW?

Waiting for your reply.

Best wishes
(CN:李兵,Li bing)--------(EN:EricLee)
MAIL:lbwlh (AT) mail.ustc.edu.cn

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