FYI, my home directory has only 2 directories under ~/GNUstep. The first is ~/GNUstep/Defaults/ where the defaults are. And the second is ~/GNUstep/Library/Cookies/, and in this Cookies directory, I have a Coookie.plist with some info about a cookie. This was likely created when I ran the test suite.
This information kind of throws a wrench in my idea that only GNUstep/Defaults normally existed. But I don't see why we can't still conform to the spec here. They also define $XDG_DATA_HOME (defaults to ~/.local/share) and is defined as "the base directory relative to
which user specific data files should be stored." Something like this Cookie.plist file sounds like something that should be in .local/share/ to me.
Furthermore, I do not have a ~/.GNUstep directory.