Thanks Nikolaus!
Yeah, I guess writing a simple c-wrapper and linking to base would be one solution. But since this is pure C I was hoping to not have to link to ObjC and base. Maybe I’ll do it as a temporary solution.
What is the problem with linking to objc and base? They are most likely available on the deployment system (or why would you then want to access NSUserDefaults?).
But in this case, what would [NSUserDefaults standardDefaults] return since there is no bundle?
I think it just works but you don’t have defaults connected to the bundleIdentifier. You can use [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithUser:user] and -persistentDomainForName for any user name and identifier.
Btw, would CoreBase require linking to base? Sounds weird to me if it would.. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-秘密保持について:この電子メールは、名宛人に送信したものであり、秘匿特権の対象となる情報を含んでいます。もし、名宛人以外の方が受信された場合、このメールの破棄、およびこのメールに関する一切の開示、複写、配布、その他の利用、または記載内容に基づくいかなる行動もされないようお願い申し上げます。---CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information in this email is confidentialand intended solely for the addressee.Disclosure, copying, distribution or any other action of use of thisemail by person other than intended recipient, is prohibited.If you are not the intended recipient and have received this email inerror, please destroy the original message.