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Re: Hang in font panel with certain fonts

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: Hang in font panel with certain fonts
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 00:39:25 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0 SeaMonkey/2.31


Fred Kiefer wrote:
Sorry, you only show these values for the first iteration. In a loop we need to 
see whether these values change or not. Most likely the second iteration has 
the exact same values. In that case we are looking at a rounding issue. It 
seems like ascender plus descender are bigger than line_height, but when 
assigning this sum to line_height this condition is still true.

It is not the first iteration, it is the hundreth or so, I leave running and then break and copy what I see. It is difficult to know in the console flow "when" the loop begins amidst all the printouts.

Ascender + Descender differ from line height here only by 0,00001

this is after a couple of seconds:

2015-01-19 00:19:35.047 Ink[322] 2-WantLineHeight a:10.285714, d:2.571429, y:0.000000 | lineh: 12.857142, maxl: 0.000000
2015-01-19 00:19:35.050 Ink[322] f_ascender: 10.285714

this is after a couple of minutes

2015-01-19 00:26:04.893 Ink[322] 2-WantLineHeight a:10.285714, d:2.571429, y:0.000000 | lineh: 12.857142, maxl: 0.000000
2015-01-19 00:26:04.896 Ink[322] f_ascender: 10.285714

it is exactly the same

Could you please first verify whether this is true and next find out if your 
computer uses float or double for CGFloat? The next step might then be to get 
David to look at the assembler code the macro gets converted into.
How do I know what CGFloat is? being 32bit I suppose float, but where do we configure that?

I added this in the Macro:

    if (__new_height > line_height) \
      { \
        line_height = __new_height; \
NSLog(@"lh = %f, h = %f, gt? %d", line_height, h, line_height > h); \
        goto restart; \
      } \

this is the output (other log removed):
2015-01-19 00:39:12.193 Ink[1887] lh = 12.857143, h = 12.857143, gt? 0


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