To support CGPoint and CGRect in NSValue, the following needs to be done:
1. In GSObjCRuntime.m file:
id GSObjCGetVal(NSObject *self, const char *key, SEL sel,
const char *type, unsigned size, int offset)
case _C_STRUCT_B:
if (strcmp(@encode(CGPoint), type)==0) {
DLog(@"@encode(CGPoint): %s", @encode(CGPoint));
CGPoint v;
if (sel == 0) {
memcpy((char*)&v, ((char *)self + offset), sizeof(v));
} else {
CGPoint (*imp)(id, SEL) =
(CGPoint (*)(id, SEL))[self methodForSelector: sel];
v = (*imp)(self, sel);
val = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:v];
} else if (strcmp(@encode(CGRect), type)==0) {
DLog(@"@encode(CGRect): %s", @encode(CGRect));
CGRect v;
if (sel == 0) {
memcpy((char*)&v, ((char *)self + offset), sizeof(v));
} else {
CGRect (*imp)(id, SEL) =
(CGRect (*)(id, SEL))[self methodForSelector: sel];
v = (*imp)(self, sel);
val = [NSValue valueWithCGRect:v];
} else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(NSPoint), type))
void GSObjCSetVal(NSObject *self, const char *key, id val, SEL sel,
const char *type, unsigned size, int offset)
case _C_STRUCT_B:
if (strcmp(@encode(CGPoint), type)==0) {
DLog(@"@encode(CGPoint): %s", @encode(CGPoint));
CGPoint v = [val CGPointValue];
if (sel == 0) {
CGPoint *ptr = (CGPoint*)((char *)self + offset);
*ptr = v;
} else {
void (*imp)(id, SEL, CGPoint) =
(void (*)(id, SEL, CGPoint))[self methodForSelector: sel];
(*imp)(self, sel, v);
} else if (strcmp(@encode(CGRect), type)==0) {
DLog(@"strcmp(@encode(CGRect): %s", @encode(CGRect));
CGRect v = [val CGRectValue];
if (sel == 0) {
CGRect *ptr = (CGRect*)((char *)self + offset);
*ptr = v;
} else {
void (*imp)(id, SEL, CGRect) =
(void (*)(id, SEL, CGRect))[self methodForSelector: sel];
(*imp)(self, sel, v);
} else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(NSPoint), type))
2. In NSValue.m file:
+ (Class) valueClassWithObjCType: (const char *)type
Class theClass = concreteClass;
/* Let someone else deal with this error */
if (!type)
return theClass;
/* Try for an exact type match.
if (strcmp(@encode(id), type) == 0)
theClass = nonretainedObjectValueClass;
else if (strcmp(@encode(NSPoint), type) == 0)
theClass = pointValueClass;
else if (strcmp(@encode(void *), type) == 0)
theClass = pointerValueClass;
else if (strcmp(@encode(NSRange), type) == 0)
theClass = rangeValueClass;
else if (strcmp(@encode(NSRect), type) == 0)
theClass = rectValueClass;
else if (strcmp(@encode(NSSize), type) == 0)
theClass = sizeValueClass;
/* Try for equivalent types match.
/*else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(id), type))
theClass = nonretainedObjectValueClass;
else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(NSPoint), type))
theClass = pointValueClass;
else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(void *), type))
theClass = pointerValueClass;
else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(NSRange), type))
theClass = rangeValueClass;
else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(NSRect), type))
theClass = rectValueClass;
else if (GSSelectorTypesMatch(@encode(NSSize), type))
theClass = sizeValueClass;*/
DLog(@"theClass: %@", theClass);
return theClass;
Check full files here: