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Re: Solution for the scrolling bug?

From: Tobias Braun
Subject: Re: Solution for the scrolling bug?
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 18:00:25 +0200

Hey Greg,

Thanks for the quick reply!

Am 06.04.2015 um 17:16 schrieb Gregory Casamento <greg.casamento@gmail.com>:
>> I was advised on the IRC channel (which unfortunately seems almost dead) to 
>> post my question on the mailing list, so here we go:
> No, its not dead.  The people in Europe who are on it are at work
> still and so am I here in the US.  So it's likely not active because
> people are busy.  I am currently logged into it as "bheron" and
> "bheron_" if you want to ask any questions there please feel free.

I guess you're right. I was just wondering because I asked that question some 
days ago and there hasn't been much activity on the IRC channel since. Probably 
everyone was on Easter holiday. I'll get in touch with you on IRC in a moment.

>> 6. If anyone is wondering why I opted for Linux instead of e.g. FreeBSD: I 
>> tried to install that first, but 10.1-STABLE wouldn't even load the kernel 
>> image, it'd just freeze while trying to do so. 11.0-CURRENT would start the 
>> actual init procedure, but after a few pages of text, it'd stop with a weird 
>> error message which I don't remember right now. I guess there's not much I 
>> can do about that, can I?
> Nope... I'm not sure what this has to do with GS.  At any rate Linux
> is perfectly fine.

Nothing really. I just noticed that quite a few folks on this list seem to run 
*BSD, so I am hoping for any hint. I'd certainly like to get FreeBSD to run, 
though it's not a priority right now. One thing about FreeBSD that I prefer 
compared to the GNU userland is the manpages. To me, they seem far more 
understandable. But I don't want to start an OS flame war, so let's keep it at 


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