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Re: [Jose E. Marchesi] [IMPORTANT] Accepting student applications

From: Jose E. Marchesi
Subject: Re: [Jose E. Marchesi] [IMPORTANT] Accepting student applications
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:21:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Reminder: we are still missing accepted proposals for the following projects.

mediagoblin (1)
GNUstep (1)
GNUnet (2)
lilypond (2)
wget (3)

Please send us the requested information below before Wednesday 22 April
at 12:00.  Thanks.

    FYI, we got 18 slots in Google Summer of Code this year.
    From: jemarch@gnu.org (Jose E. Marchesi)
    Subject: [IMPORTANT] Accepting student applications
    To: summer-of-code@gnu.org
    Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 20:43:59 +0200 (4 days, 16 hours, 32 minutes ago)
    Hi hackers.
    Good news: this year we got as many slots as we asked for.  This means
    that everyone gets their desired slots:
    | Project     | Slots |
    | gnucap      |     0 |
    | kawa        |     0 |
    | classpath   |     0 |
    | guile       |     1 |
    | taler       |     1 |
    | mediagoblin |     1 |
    | GNUstep     |     1 |
    | GNUnet      |     2 |
    | hurd        |     2 |
    | guix        |     2 |
    | lilypond    |     2 |
    | octave      |     3 |
    | wget        |     3 |
    The next step is to accept student's proposals.  In order to get an
    proposal accepted you need to send to jemarch@gnu.org (CCing
    gscrivano@gnu.org) the following information:
      URL: exact-melange-url for the proposal
      StudentName: name of the student
      StudentEmail: email of the student
      Mentor: mentor-id
      Mentor: mentor-id
    If the data is ok then we will accept the proposal in melange.  We need
    the student information, and at least one mentor associated with the
    proposal.  The mentor-id should correspond to an existing mentor entry
    in [1].
    IMPORTANT: do _not_ tell students that their application is being
    accepted.  Google will publish the list of accepted students in its due
    time, not us.
    IMPORTANT: please send us the proposals information ASAP.  The sooner we
    mark them as accepted in melange the sooner we will identify conflicts
    and resolve them.
    Our deadline for accepting proposals is Wednesday 22 April at 12:00.
    [1] http://www.gnu.org/s/soc-projects/soc2015.rec

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