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Re: Beginner developer documentation

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Beginner developer documentation
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2015 00:15:35 +0000

Tutorial Stefan linked to seems nice. But, consider that perhaps GORM will make more sense if you start by doing things "by hand", in code.

For that, I like Nicola Pero's tutorials:

While I don't know of easy and clear tutorials on how to communicate over network, you may be able to find some documentation that applies to Cocoa, too. (You'll, of course, have to be careful to find examples that use a subset of Foundation and AppKit that's actually supported by GNUstep. Easiest way is to try and see what works.)

Or you can just use BSD sockets directly.

For running things in background, this is useful:
- (void) thisWillBeAnotherThread: (id)anObject
  sleep(2); /* long operation */
  [[self someButtonStoredInAProperty] performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(setTitle:) withObject: @"Changed!"]; /* UI should be changed only on the main thread */
  /* in writing the code above, I assumed the value in 
     someButtonStoredInAProperty property will not change 
     while this thread is running. for exercise: why is that
     important and how would you have to work around 
     this assumption? */

- (void) buttonClicked: (id)sender
  [self performSelectorInBackground: @selector(thisWillBeAnotherThread:) withObject: nil];

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 12:58 AM Svetlana A. Tkachenko <svetlana@members.fsf.org> wrote:
Hi all,

Found the GORM and AppKit reference manuals, but both appear to have not
very many exercises/problem sets. Something simple such as an arithmetic
operation by a button click, with example solution (for some exercises
at least) to compare with. Thus far I can easily use GORM to design the
window layout, but I am stuck trying to learn where and how and what to
program even for simple things. If possible, please suggest more
documentation with "2+2=4" level examples.

I did find http://www.gnustep.org/experience/examples.html but that is
way beyond my level.

Some current questions:
- where do things go (into which files)
- how do get things programmatically (input box values and so on)
- how to do anything network related
- tiny examples to get used to the language and the project architecture

I had also tried to figure out how to put the documentation from
http://www.gnustep.org/resources/documentation/ , man pages and
/usr/share/doc/$package-name/* into HelpViewer.app for offline use, but
did not get anywhere as I did not understand what format it needs or
which location to put the files in.

Svetlana A. Tkachenko
Member of the Free Software Foundation
www.fsf.org  www.gnu.org www.freenode.net

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