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Re: Problems building gnustep-base on Ubuntu Linux with clang/llvm-3.7

From: David Lobron
Subject: Re: Problems building gnustep-base on Ubuntu Linux with clang/llvm-3.7
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 14:02:10 -0400

Hey David,

> /usr/local/{include,lib} is not in the default search path for gcc / clang on 
> Ubuntu.  You should install libobjc2 with the prefix set to /usr/ or 
> explicitly add /usr/local to the search paths when configuring -make (see my 
> earlier email).

I rebuilt libobjc2 with the prefix set to /usr (I left off the trailing slash, 
because paths are appended to it with a slash).  This appeared to work find, 
and the libs are now in /usr/lib.  I uninstalled them from /usr/local/lib, as 
well, to avoid any confusion:

:~/build/clangport/akamai/gnustep-base/gnustep-base-1.24.8$ ls -l 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     14 Sep 28 17:48 /usr/lib/libobjc.so -> libobjc.so.4.6
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 243188 Sep 28 17:47 /usr/lib/libobjc.so.4.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     16 Sep 28 17:48 /usr/lib/libobjcxx.so -> 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  19282 Sep 28 17:47 /usr/lib/libobjcxx.so.4.6
:~/build/clangport/akamai/gnustep-base/gnustep-base-1.24.8$ ls -l 
ls: cannot access /usr/local/lib/libobjc*: No such file or directory

So far, this seems correct.  But I'm still having the same issue: OBJC2RUNTIME 
is true and HAVE_BLOCKS is false, leading make to build the ObjectiveC2 
subproject.  The namespace clash confirms that it's looking in 
/usr/include/objc, not /usr/local/include/objc:

../../Headers/ObjectiveC2/objc/runtime.h:89:15: error: typedef redefinition 
with different types ('void *' vs 'struct objc_property *')
typedef void *objc_property_t;
/usr/include/objc/runtime.h:143:31: note: previous definition is here
typedef struct objc_property* objc_property_t;

Do you have any other ideas as to what I might be doing wrong?


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