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Re: howto request gnustep environment infos

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: howto request gnustep environment infos
Date: Tue, 3 May 2016 13:26:45 +0200
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Tamer Higazi wrote:
How can I request through the shell infos about my gnustep environments,
variables, compilers.. version of libs.
I want to add these infos to the bug report.

tIf you have installed the gnustep environment using packages, the best way is using your package tools: apt-get/dpkg on debian/ubuntu, RPM on Redhat and SuSE, pkg info on FreeBSD, pkg_info on NetBSD and OpenBSD... and so on.

If you built the gnustep environment yourself, you should now form the tarballs you used and we can guide you anyway in a different way to know what the configure scripts detected.


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