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Re: Generating makefiles from .xcodeproj

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Generating makefiles from .xcodeproj
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 21:49:30 +0000


All of the installation steps involve running ./configure && make && sudo -E make install. You will need to install some dependencies first in order to be able to build various GNUstep components, e.g. gnustep-base. This is all documented in a couple of places around the web (except we no longer use Subversion, so adjust the checkout commands and URLs). The order in which to install out code:

First install gnustep-make.
After installing gnustep-make, you can install gnustep-base.
After installing gnustep-base, you can install libs-xcode: https://github.com/gnustep/libs-xcode
After installing libs-xcode, you can install buildtool.

However, this won't be of much assistance: GNUstep's language of choice is Objective-C, and Swift is not currently a supported language. This also means that libs-xcode does not currently understand how to build Swift.

If you look at its PBXFileReference you'll see that it only understands how to talk to the output of `gnustep-config --variable=CC`.


On Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 9:58 PM Anish Moorthy <anishmoorthy@idevicesinc.com> wrote:

I'd like to be able to build a project defined by a .xcodeproj on Linux (coded in swift, so it should theoretically be possible), and it seems like the GNUstep buildtool could help accomplish that.

Unfortunately, I have been completely unable to find any documentation on this process. Could you please detail for me how, given a folder with a .xcodeproj downloaded onto a linux box, I would build the project?

I'm sorry about the vagueness of my question but I haven't even been able to find documentation to give me a starting point. I do hope you'll bear with me.

- Anish Moorthy
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