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Re: Properties and objc1

From: Bertrand Dekoninck
Subject: Re: Properties and objc1
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2018 19:25:38 +0200
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Le 17/08/2018 à 15:15, David Chisnall a écrit :
On 17 Aug 2018, at 11:06, Bertrand Dekoninck <bertrand.dekoninck@gmail.com> 
I'm enjoying my summertime to do some gnustep stuff. I want to convert the 
rik.theme to objc1 because I can't have libobjc2 running on my ppc computers.
A couple of things about this:

1. I think that libobjc2 should work on PowerPC, only without support for the 
assembly paths.  You won’t be able to use objc_msgSend (and the compiler will 
use the slower message sending mechanism) or imp_implementationWithBlock, but 
everything else should work.

I've read again your comment on the issue <https://github.com/gnustep/libobjc2/issues/65> I had opened on github for this. I hadn't understood that libobjc2 should work. So it is pretty good news for me. Anyway, when I will have time, I may bend over the remaining  pthread bug you mentionned when closing the issue.

2. If libobjc2 doesn’t work, you don’t actually need it to be able to use 
declared properties.  Clang (and, I think, gcc 4.6ish or later) will generate 
calls to runtime functions.  These are supported in either a vaguely recent GCC 
runtime or by the ObjectiveC2 compatibility framework that GNUstep builds as 
part of Foundation.
Good ! And is the dot syntax (eg someButton.reverse = reverse) also supported ?

Anyway, I tried to build the theme today in a virtual machine with debian 9 (x86) and gnustep debian packages (which are build with gcc). I haven''t  yet checked that properties are supported because the build fails badly  on this :

- (void)setIsDefaultButton:(NSNumber*) val
  objc_setAssociatedObject(self, kRikIsDefaultButton, val, OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY);

I didn't even know what associated objects are and it need time to understand them. And maybe to replace them. But it seems overkill tome

Thanks a lot.

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