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Re: ctrl-mouse drag does not work - solved

From: Johannes Brakensiek
Subject: Re: ctrl-mouse drag does not work - solved
Date: Tue, 12 May 2020 09:18:02 +0200

Hi Andreas,

On 12 May 2020, at 0:11, Andreas Höschler via Discussion list for the GNUstep programming environment wrote:

I have not yet managed to get Command - ... (e.g. Command - q to quit an application, Command - w to close a window,...) working though.I have 

defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSFirstCommandKey  **Meta_L**


on GNUstep so the instance should be ready to go. But it seems Jump Desktop is not forwarding Command - ...  shortcuts through to the remote instance. I have tried out all possible settings in the Jump Desktop preferences. Is anyone using Jump Desktop to access a remote GNUstep/Linux instance?

this seems to be a little OT here, but maybe others are interested as well. ;)

I’m using Jump! on my iPad and it works very well. The default alt-Key as well as „Left Super“ after using SystemPreferences to change it to that value. If „Left Super“ is selected it behaves like the Cmd-Key on MacOS.

This might depend on the RDP server you use. Do you use the RDP feature of the supervisor? I’m using xrdp (on the guest, bare metal in my case). After setting new_cursors=false in /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini this works like a charm.

Regarding the other topic: Did you manage to change the GNUstep theme?


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